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My professional decison!

I choose psychology because is the only way to continue link to sports, tennis especially. Kinesiology, nutritionist and fitness teacher were alternatives that I evaluated in the past, but I think "A lot of people is working in kinesiology, and the same with nutrition and fitness teacher, but sports psychology is not very developed in Chile". For that I would like to work is sports psychology, to help sportsman to manage their best performance in the courts, rings, etc. 

Changing the topic, my experience at the university until now was strange, because I'm very different to the other FACSO guys. They like to go to party, drink alcohol, smoke tabaco and weed, and listen to music very hard. The sport on Faculty isn't an important think. But I like to sleep early, take care of my body, I don't drink and smoke drugs, and I don't like listen to music hard. I think that is a altethe's life.

See you soon <3


  1. I am surprised that psychology and sports can be linked but I find that what you intend to do especially well today is that sports and physical health in our society is not very valuable if it is not just football.

    1. I will try to work in different sports, giving the chance to other athletes to train his minds! See you :)

  2. i think chilean athletes didn't think the same in relation to drinking and parties jaja

  3. I had never heard of sports psychology, it seems interesting!


  4. Hello, what a great thing it is to find people in the university who lead a healthy life that does not smoke or take


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My autobiography

I'm Matías and I was born in Santiago on April 8 th ,   1995. I studied in the Alonso de Ercilla Institute between 2003 and 2014. After  take the PSU, the points that I obtain lets me enter to study psychology the Faculty of Social Science at Universidad de Chile. Actually I'm in fourth year and I would like to work in sports psychology. About my family, I can tell you that we are a small family. I live with my mom near Santa Isabel subway station (in case you want to visit me <3). I have a sister and she is 31. Now she's living with us because she broke with her boyfriend recently and she's very sad, she need's family love and I with my mum give her a lot of them. My dad lives in Ecuador five years ago. He traveled for job. One thing that I like to do is go to the gym to work in by body. Is an important thing for me because I like to think that I have it's control. I like the sensation that you feel after finish a good training session too. Not always

My daily challenge...

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